7. The Constitution of the Circle
A Supportive Community
Cambridge Shamanic Circle is a democratic community of peers. It is based on the idea of communal support and empowerment. So ours is a cult of community, not of personality.
Accordingly, the governance of the Circle is based upon the principles of spiritual healing, consensus decision-making, and communal cooperation. We strive to avoid spiritual sickness, political infighting, and egotistical behavior.
The Three Branches of Government
The government structure of the Circle is divided into legislative, judicial, and executive branches. As in the federal government, the purpose of this is to provide checks and balances, and to prevent the abuse of power.
The three branches are respectively led by the chairperson of the council, constitutional officer, and presiding officer. These offices are always held by separate people.
The Council of Officers
The Council of Officers is the legislative body of the Circle. It consists of those who either hold an executive office, or have led at least two meetings in the previous year. These volunteer contributions and commitments constitute the qualifications for full membership in the Circle with its attendant privileges.
The Council introduces any new policies by a process of democratic consensus (consensus means that nothing new happens unless everybody basically agrees, there being no strong objections). In general, there are few such issues, since our flexible format follows the principles of universal shamanism, as taught by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. For disciplinary reasons, the Council may also dismiss officers from their positions, and members from the Circle.
The Selflessness of Service
The mission of all officers is to carry out those duties that are necessary to keep the Circle operating. They are expected to provide a selfless service to the community. In return, leadership provides its own rewards in terms of developing spiritual strength and skills.
Officers are selected for vacant positions on the basis of seniority, which consists of their years of service as an officer or, failing that, of participation in the Circle. This serves to compensate those who have invested their time and energy in the Circle. Those who have seniority are also more likely to possess the ability to hold the sacred space in a selfless and responsible manner, so that it is a safe place for everybody to heal.
The Togetherness of Consensus
We are a spiritual organization, not a political one. Our governmental structure is designed to avoid the need for contentious elections, boring committee meetings, tedious debates about points of order, and all those other things that politicians enjoy, but would only be a distraction from the harmony of our healing work.
What we seek is the consensus of a spiritual community.
The Duties of Leading Officers
Constitutional Officer – interprets the rules already written or implicit on the website, taking into account both practice and precedent; unless directly contradicted by the written rules, constitutes the final judicial authority on all matters; appoints successor on the basis of seniority.
Chairperson of the Council – articulates the consensus of the Council; interprets and updates the legislative and theoretical parts of the website as necessary; is our lead representative to the Quakers, handling all long-term arrangements with them, such as rent negotiations and any policy issues that might arise; appoints successor on the basis of seniority.
Presiding Officer – see 6. The Operation of the Circle.
This Constitution came into full effect on Friday 25th May 2018, on the occasion of the celebration marking the Quarter-Centennial of our Founding in May 1993.
Constitutional Officer Matthew
Chairperson Christian
Council Matthew, Emily, Christian, Jo, Caroline, Nancy, Grove, Leika, Saira