3. The Way of the Circle
Our circle is dedicated to the practice of universal and multicultural shamanism. It is open to everybody, including those who are new to shamanism. Children are welcome, so long as their parents look after them. (Regular shamanic journeying is really for adults and teenagers, but children may benefit from being briefly introduced at a young age to the practices of their parents.)
The purpose of our shamanic drumming circle is to meet as a community and to call on the practical wisdom and healing power of the spirits. We share with each other the answers we receive from journeys to our spirit teachers and ask our guardian animals to help ourselves and others in need of healing. Since people sometimes share matters of a private nature, everything that happens within the circle is strictly confidential.
For the same reason, no recording or publishing of any kind is permitted -- whether in photo, film, video, sound, print, digital, or any other medium. Also please ensure that all electronic gear is switched off and stowed away for the duration of the ceremony, so that it cannot serve as a source of distraction. This applies to cell phones in particular, since we do not wish to be disturbed by ring tones.
Leadership is on a voluntary, revolving basis and consists in coordinating the circle's activities. New people should feel welcome, first to help with the drumming and calling in of the spirits, and later to take the opportunity to lead -- it can be an empowering experience.
We start with a period for introductions and checking in. Then the incense is passed around the circle -- the smoke purifies us of any negative thoughts and feelings we may have before we begin our sacred work. This is often a good time to initiate a group chant or toning.
Next we drum and rattle together. The beat should be single and utterly monotonous, rather than a complicated rhythm. The hypnotic monotony is what induces the shamanic state of consciousness.
This is also when we sing our personal power songs, which serve to summon our guardian spirits, so that they fill us with their healing presence. In some societies, they say: "no song, no shaman". So if you don't have any songs, it is good to pray to the spirits for the gift of their inspiration. Such songs are often very simple chants, and may consist of only a few words or seemingly meaningless syllables.
After that someone calls in the helping spirits of the universe, of the surrounding land, of our circle and of each member of the circle by rattling / whistling / speaking / singing in all the different directions and around the circle -- this is done by each person in his or her own individual way. A guardian animal dance follows: everyone invites a spirit to enter his or her body and it is the spirit who does the dancing (and singing or noise-making!).
The leader asks if anyone wishes to drum for a journey (usually about 10 minutes long). The drummer should be standing up while drumming, since this shows respect for the spirits. The drummer should also be standing still in the center, so as not to disturb or distract the journeyers. The drumming itself should be steady and unvarying, since a hypnotic rhythm is what enables the journeyers to stay in the Other World -- rather than have their attention drawn back to what is happening inside the room.
For the first journey, the leader may suggest a new technique or theme (often seasonal), or otherwise call for similar suggestions for a group journey. Sometimes one or more people may have a particular problem or health issue, for which they would appreciate the helping power of the whole circle. During this discussion, the leader invites feedback from everyone else before settling on a final mission.
The second journey is usually for everybody to visit their spirits with whatever individual mission or question they may have in mind. On the other hand, if there are beginners, the usual order of journeys is reversed, so that we can concentrate on helping them first.
Finally, we hold hands in a healing circle. If you wish to have everybody else ask their helping spirits to send energy to yourself or someone you know who is ill or otherwise in need of help, announce clearly the name of the person, the nature of the problem, and where he or she is -- when you feel enough energy has been sent, say "Thank you" and it will be someone else's turn. It is important to remember that you may always ask for help for yourself, but that you must always have permission before asking on somebody else's behalf. We usually conclude by singing the Circle Song, and by thanking all the spirits for their help.
The last thing the leader does is to ask for someone else to volunteer to lead the next time. Leadership is strictly voluntary, although we encourage everybody to lead who wishes to do so. It is also possible to co-lead with a partner. Since they are already making an extra contribution in this manner, leaders are not expected to provide a donation for any meeting that they lead.
At the end of the meeting, there is time for people to make announcements about any shamanic or spiritual events and services that might interest others. This is also a good time to make any comments or suggestions about the activities of the circle. We are always looking for new ways to do things, and remain open to innovative contributions from all.
For those who wish to deepen their practice, it is best to dress in a shamanic costume. Such clothes should only be worn when doing spiritual work. Amulets may also serve to strengthen your connections with the healing power of the spirits. Likewise it is good to bring in sacred objects of various kinds to contribute to the altar.
Finally, as an overview for those who wish to lead, it is easy to remember the seven basic steps:
1. Introductions
2. Incense
3. Drumming
4. Calling in the spirits
5. Dance
6. Journeys
7. Healing circle
See also the brief instructions for leaders in 4. The Care of our Sacred Space
If you happen to forget anything, never mind -- everybody else will be sure to help you out!
While we have a standard way of doing things that we can always rely upon, people should feel free to follow their own spirits in harmony with the spirit of consensus -- remember it's your circle!
Since the Quaker meeting-house has been closed during the pandemic, we have been meeting via Zoom. As a result, the format of our rituals has naturally changed a little in order to adapt to the new medium.
Our meetings are now normally about two hours long, rather than three. We tend to skip the dancing for obvious reasons. And we tend to undertake one journey, rather than two.
To a certain extent, our usual range of rituals has been somewhat curtailed. On the other hand, some people find it much easier to make it to the meeting!
Moreover, others find they are able to go much deeper in their journeys, since there are less distractions in their own space at home.
In fact, our Zoom Circle has surprisingly turned out to be almost as popular as gatherings at the meeting-house!
The Way of the Circle has been established in accordance with the teachings of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, as well as the spiritual practices of both the Gloucester and Cambridge Shamanic Circles.